After reading Michael’s book I felt like I never knew what having a true relationship was like. I’ve learned so much and look forward to using them in my future relationships.
Rob D
It’s nothing like I’ve ever read before and I’ve read several books on relationships and even attended seminars. I hope that he comes to my city so I can meet him in person to thank him for what he’s done for me.
Brenda B
There can only be two things I can say about Michael’s book, the first, “we need to talk,” and the second, wow! My favorite chapter is the trust one. I always had difficulty trusting because of my past, but now I have learned to see another perspective that has helped me to deal with my trust issues.
Max K
This is a book that everyone needs to read. The information can help everyone with their relationships. I really enjoyed the chapter on men because it showed me my deficiencies as a man and how I can improve.
John S
I had a chance to read the book before seeing the play and the Director brought it to life. I’m looking forward to seeing it again if it comes back to Sacramento. Great play!
Jasmine B.
The play made me really think about all the mistakes I’ve made, but it also told me how to avoid issues in the future. It had a lot of real life messages for the audience to take home.
Detoya H.
I learned, laughed and cried throughout the entire show. The grandma reminded me of my own grandma full of wisdom. I was enjoying my self so much I did’t want it to end. Thank God for Michael Levester!
Karen S.
If I had to choose between seeing a Tyler Perry play and a Michael Leverster play, I would rather see Michael’s. Not that Tyler’s aren’t good, it’s just that everything in Michael’s are real life issues and not imaginary.
Rheda W.
“WE NEED TO TALK” is a perfect title. A well put together production and God was certainly involved in it. I hope it makes it to Broadway so others can get a blessing from it!
Pamela S.
I love it. I can only think of one thing that was missing and that’s singing. I’m use to hearing musicals and I was hoping it had some, but was disappointed. Then again, maybe it’ll be in the sequel, lol. Besides that, it was very entertaining.
Ruthie B.
The show was an eye opener. I may need to make some changes with my girl soon.
It was just as good as a Tyler Perry play!
James R.
I wish this was part of every high school curriculum. Every teenager needs to see this and maybe they won’t end up like a lot of people in a bad relationship.
Paulett J.
This play will help me to better understand a man and make me become a better woman. I don’t feel alone anymore and I know the power that I posses and my true worth. Please keep the messages coming and maybe the world will change for the better.
Shirley R.
I know that the play was about women empowerment, but I think it also gave men who want to know how to treat a women with respect empowerment too. I know I had some things that was pointed out in the play that I need to change so I definitely appreciate what was said and acted out on stage. I look forward to the next one.
Kevin B.